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The Number 1 Way To Make Money Online


N1WAY ,"The Number 1 Way To Make Money Online"
Publisher: N1WAY | ISBN : N/A | edition 2009 | PDF | 69 pages | 4.92 mb

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Current price is : 24$

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On top of that it ranks for many other search queries in ALL the major search engines and receives around 5,000 unique visitors a month generating around 25,000 page views!

Why Follow The N1WAY Method?

Because these small affiliate websites make on average - $5 per page per month within 12 months and hold a “sale value” of 12-24x their monthly income.


A 50 page website - like the one above - will (once properly positioned) make around $250 per month and will hold an asset value of $3,000 to $6,000 on a marketplace like Flippa.

So What Will N1WAY Show You?

To show you how to build networks of income generating affiliate websites like this yourself N1WAY has 10 components.

Each of these components follow on from and build upon each other and each of these 10 components can be worked through online or printed off via your computer.

Component 1: Get Started (19 Pages)

Introduces you to this business opportunity and shows you where the money is, why it's there and the basics of how you make it.

The next 9 components are arranged in sequential "steps":

Step 1: Pick A Market (10 Pages)

Shows you how to choose the markets you are going to target to make the money you want to make.

Step 2: Plan Your Website (14 Pages)

Shows you how to research your chosen market and create a development plan for the website you are going to build to "serve" and make money from it.

Step 3: Create Your Content (11 Pages)

Shows you simple "value scanning" techniques which enables the speedy production of quality content which "drives" your income generating affiliate website.

Step 4: Build Your Website (37 Pages)

Shows you how to turn your development plan into a completed and ready to launch website including a detailed walk-through of the building process using both Wordpress (with phpBay) and Build A Niche Store.

Step 5: Market Your Website (8 Pages)

Shows you how to market your new website on the internet through a simple technique that we call "forwards and backwards referencing".

Step 6: Manage Your Website (4 Pages)

Shows you how to manange your individual websites over the longer term to minimize maintenance and enable maximum focus on the development of new websites.

Step 7: Building Your Next 9 Sites (2 Pages)

Shows you how to quickly and effectively go from 1 income generating website to a network of 10 which is the same as saying - how to turn a supplementary income into a new full time salary.

Step 8: Look Into Outsourcing (6 Pages)

Shows you how to increase development and make much more money by hiring talented people to do a lot of the time consuming work for you.

Step 9: Treat It Like A Business (7 Pages)

Shows you the neccessary perspective for "real success" when following N1WAY which includes step-by-step advice of how to get "above" the model and your network and which introduces the concept of "The End Game" - the path to building 7 figure ($1,000,000) networks.

By the time you reach the end of Step 9 (Treat It Like A Business) you will have a full picture of what's possible, why and how.


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